Discover the optimal storage duration for both raw and cooked shrimp in your refrigerator.

Raw Shrimp Shelf Life

Raw shrimp typically maintains freshness in the fridge for one to two days. While some packages may display a “best-by” or “use-by” date, relying on your senses—texture and smell—becomes crucial if uncertain. If the shrimp feels slimy or emits an ammonia odor, it’s advisable to discard it promptly. If your cooking plans extend beyond two days, consider freezing raw shrimp for an extended shelf life, of up to one year. Freeze them individually on a baking sheet before transferring to a labeled, airtight freezer bag for optimal preservation.

Cooked Shrimp Storage

Cooked shrimp can be safely stored in the fridge for three to four days. When reheating, stick to the original cooking method, using lower temperatures to prevent overcooking. Adding a bit of the original cooking liquid, water, or fat during reheating helps maintain the shrimp’s succulence. Vigilance is key, as overcooked shrimp can develop an undesirable rubbery texture. Alternatively, incorporate the cold shrimp into dishes with reheated starches, allowing them to reach room temperature naturally.

Proper Shrimp Refrigeration

For raw shrimp, store them in their original packaging on the refrigerator’s bottom shelf. This precaution minimizes the risk of cross-contamination in case of any liquid leakage. Cooked shrimp should be stored in airtight containers to preserve their freshness. To ensure the safety of your raw or cooked shrimp, maintain your refrigerator at or below 40℉.

Raw shrimp boasts a fridge life of one to two days, extendable through freezing, while cooked shrimp remains fresh for three to four days. Mastering the art of shrimp storage ensures that your culinary creations remain fresh and delicious, enhancing your dining experience every time Follow our storage tips to savor the flavor and texture of your shrimp, and always prioritize proper refrigeration practices for optimal food safety.

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